SHAV Honors Awards

Celebrate Excellence!

The Honors Committee needs your assistance to help us recognize professional excellence for the Awards Ceremony at the SHAV Convention in 2025. What a fabulous time to be honored!

The Honors Committee would like to encourage you to take a moment to think of the colleagues you admire. Is there a person out there who stands out as having completed amazing work for our profession, our consumers, and/or our association?

SHAV has had the award of Fellow since our association’s inception, and we have collaborated with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHF) to identify the State Clinical Achievement Award since the 1980s. We also have two additional awards that were initiated in 2019 – a Student Leadership Award and an Early Career Professional Award.

Persons submitting a nomination shall complete the nomination form (linked HERE), along with a letter of recommendation from the nominator, and also attach two additional letters of recommendation. The Honors Committee cannot accept or consider incomplete submissions. The deadline for submission of a completed nomination packet is January 10, 2025.

The nominator must submit the Honors Award Nomination Form along with all supporting documentation as a completed packet in its entirety to the SHAV Office at

Mark your calendar to celebrate the achievements of this year’s nominees at the SHAV Convention on Saturday, March 22.

Questions? Please contact any the member of the committee. Thank you for your assistance in recognizing the excellence among us!

Ed Vann, Chair,

Johanna Klein,

Lissa Power-deFur,

Jackie Ragland,

Darlene Robke,

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