Member Benefits

Join Today!
  • Networking and Leadership

    SHAV offers great networking and leadership opportunities. Members are encouraged to join a committee of interest, contact state legislators, show their presence at the Capitol for Legislative Day, offer expertise for any projects sponsored by SHAV, run for an office of the Executive Board, or submit an article for the newsletter.

  • Professional Standards

    Membership in your state association is your commitment to maintain a high level of standards. As a member, this may benefit you professionally through the career ladder, employee evaluations or career advancements.

  • Reduced Registration Fees

    All SHAV-sponsored workshops throughout the state, including the Annual Conference and other continuing education events are offered to members with a substantial savings on registration fees.

  • Legislative Voice

    The voices of SHAV members DO count! SHAV is active in legislative issues affecting our professions with state advocacy efforts supported by professional lobbyists.

  • SHAV Groups

    SHAV Groups is a grassroots program created to meet diverse needs and passions of SHAV members. The program provides opportunities for members to collaborate on specific areas of practice, network with others who share their professional interest, and promote learning and professional growth. 

    Participants must be SHAV members. Each group will be led by a SHAV Board liaison.

    Activities will be determined within the group, but could include:

    Shared Reading




    Development of presentations

    Groups will determine the details of scheduling meetings, whether virtual or in person.

    View Groups
  • SHAV-A-Gram Newsletter

    The SHAV-A-Gram publication is a perk of SHAV membership. This quarterly newsletter keeps members up to date with information and upcoming events. Newsletters arrive via e-blast in early January, mid-April, early July, and early October.

    The SHAV-A-Gram is sent via e-blast directly to your email inbox. If you are searching for older editions, please contact the SHAV Office.

    Deadlines for Submission:

    Winter: December 1

    Spring: April 1

    Summer: June 1

    Fall: September 1

    Please send articles to the Communications Committee at

  • SHAV Website

    Has up-to-date information on SHAV activities, job opportunities, an online member directory and services.

  • SHAV Activities and Workshops Priority Status

    As a member, you will receive first notice of SHAV-sponsored activities and workshops through the newsletter, website and special mailings.

  • Mentorship Program

    SHAV’s Mentorship Program provides the opportunity for current professionals to connect and collaborate with future clinicians or clinical fellows in the fields of audiology and speech language pathology. Mentors are licensed professionals and SHAV members who have at least 2 years of work experience. Mentees are 2nd year Graduate Students or Clinical Fellows who are currently SHAV members. (We hope to expand in future years to include first year career changers).

    The Process:

    Application: Interested individuals will submit applications between February 1 and April 30 of each year.

    Matching/Notification: The Mentorship Committee will review applications and pair mentors with mentees based on interests and geographical location. Notification of matches will be made by June 30 each calendar year.

    Getting Started: 

    Mentors/Mentees will go over expectations and set goals for the mentorship period, which will be submitted to the SHAV Office by August 30.

    The Mentor/Mentee pair agrees to:

    • Participate in at least two mentoring activities per month
    • Mentoring activities (can include but not limited to phone/video conference, face-to-face meeting ups, observations (if location permits), webinar participation/discussion, research article review/discussion)
    • Complete a summary and survey to submit to the SHAV office at the end of the mentorship period

    Mentorship Period: 

    Two semester time frame

    1st semester cycle runs September 1 to November 30

     2nd semester cycle runs January 1 to March 30

  • Volunteer Continuum

    As a member, you may serve on any SHAV Committee, including: 

    • Advocacy Committee
    • Communications Committee
    • Conference Committee
    • Honors Committee
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