Membership Types

Why Join SHAV?
Because it Matters. We do what we do because we believe in working to fulfill a mission. SHAV’s mission is to help you be a knowledgeable, professional and successful part of the speech-language-hearing association community.

Membership in SHAV
No matter what your role, experience or location within the industry in Virginia, SHAV is here to help you develop as a professional and advance your career. Our expert education, peer-to-peer networking and one-of-a-kind experiences give you the tools you need to navigate the unique challenges that come with the profession. When you become a member of SHAV, you’re making one of the most valuable investments you’ll ever make in your professional journey.

Please use the links below to join today or to renew your membership for the 2025 year.

Voting Member


Voting Members have all the privileges of membership in the Association, including the right to vote, hold office and chair committees. Voting members must hold a master’s or doctorate degree in speech-language pathology, audiology or a related discipline, and/or hold ASHA certification. Privileges include current issues of the Association newsletter, and reduced registration fees for Association continuing education opportunities.

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Associate Member


Associate Members must hold an Associate’s degree or higher in speech-language pathology, audiology or a related discipline. Individuals with other credentials in the speech-language-hearing disciplines may apply to the VP of Membership for Associate Membership. Associate Members may not vote or be committee chairs. Privileges include current issues of the association newsletter and reduced registration fees for Association continuing education opportunities.

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Joint Member


Professional members of another state association (must send proof of current membership). They have the same privileges as a Voting Member.

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Commercial Member


Commercial members are companies with an interest in the field. Privileges include current issues of the association newsletter and reduced marketing fees. Commercial Memberships may not vote or be committee chairs.

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Student Member


Currently enrolled as full- or part-time students in speech-language pathology, audiology or a related discipline. Verification must be signed by a faculty member each year as a SHAV member. They have the same privileges as an Associate Member.

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Recent Graduate


Has completed a grad program within the past year.

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Life Member


Any member 65 years of age or older with ten consecutive years of membership in the Association at the time of request, may be designated Life Members. Life members will continue to have the same rights and privileges they had at the time of designation. Members seeking Life Member status shall provide a written request to the Board of Directors. Requests will be reviewed and approved upon by the Board of Directors.

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