2025 SHAV Board Nominations

Thank you for your interest in serving on the SHAV Board! The following board positions are open and seeking nominations. Nominations are due on December 15th, 2024. Service on the board begins at the annual membership meeting during the annual conference and is a two-year term of service with the exception of President-Elect, which is a three-year term. Descriptions of the offices and duties are included below. If you are interested, please use the below nomination form to submit. Thank you and please reach out to the executive office if you have any questions!


Available Positions beginning March of 2025:

  • President Elect

    The President-Elect shall (a) serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Association and as Chair of the Executive Committee in the absence of the President; (b) work in conjunction with the president in developing goals and policy of the Association; and (c) automatically become President at the end of the term of President-Elect. 

    The duties of the President-Elect shall include: 

    1. serve as SHAV’s representative to Council of State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Presidents (CSAP) 
    2. chair the Nominations process for SHAV Board of Directors elections; collaborate with other management company to facilitate election process
    3. collaborate with Vice President of Public Relations and Communication to advertise call for nominations and election process
    4. review Bylaws annually and recommend changes when appropriate 
    5. serve as liaison to the Honors Committee, supporting communication and call for nominations
    6. serves as liaison with ASHA Advocacy Networks (SEAL, StAMP, STAR)
    7. collaborate with the President, and the Past President, and the management company to manage all financial affairs of the Association
    8. serves as an official signatory of the Association on outside contractual agreements
    9. in conjunction with the President, the Past President, and the management company, oversee the collection of all revenues due the Association including but not limited to membership dues and for the payment of all financial obligations of the Association 
    10. collaborate with the President, and the Past President, and the management company to manage the finances of the Association including the annual budget, maintenance of appropriate financial records, fiduciary guidance for the Board, and financial responsibility for Association 
    11. collaborate with the President, the Past President, Vice President of Continuing Education, and the management company to develop conference budget and authorize payments/expenditures
    12. communicate on a regular basis with any SHAV Committee Chairs to plan activities and to obtain reports on status of activities 
    13. submit quarterly board report prior to the scheduled Board meeting and update the shared Strategic Plan tracking document
    14. annually review and update, as needed, pertinent sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual
    15. maintain documentation covering the office in the Google Drive 
    16. submit/solicit twice per year an article/report for publication to the membership 
    17. support transition to newly elected board member
  • Vice President for Member Services

    The Vice President for Member Services is responsible for the recruitment and retention of membership through annual membership drives and outreach to speech pathologists and audiologists in the state of Virginia. 

    Duties of the Vice President for Member Services shall include the following: 

    1. collaborate with the management company to monitor and supervise activities to recruit and retain members, including the annual renewal and membership drive
    2. collaborate with the management company to obtain monthly updates of the membership database and present key findings and trends to the board during quarterly meetings
    3. confirm membership status for board nominations, lifetime membership applications, and association honors or as requested
    4. collaborate with Vice President of Audiology and Vice President of Speech-Language Pathology to create and conduct annual membership survey to identify needs 
    5. oversee and facilitate the Research, Supervision, and DEI SHAV Groups
    6. organize and facilitate the SHAV Mentorship program
    7. develop partnerships with companies and other professional organizations (e.g., interprofessional) to advance the mission of SHAV through educational opportunities for members
    8. coordinate and present annually to each university’s student population regarding the benefits of SHAV membership
    9. organize and facilitate member service annual town hall meetings
    10. collaborate with the SHAV Student Representatives to develop and disseminate the annual Gift to the Grad in April of each year
    11. coordinating the recruitment and management of the Conference student volunteers 
    12. work with the Vice President for Public Relations and Communication to promote membership 
    13. communicate on a regular basis with any SHAV Committee Chairs to plan activities, support advocacy efforts, and to obtain reports on status of activities 
    14. develop an officer budget, including any needs from committees when requested 
    15. submit quarterly board report prior to the scheduled Board meeting and update the shared Strategic Plan tracking document
    16. annually review and update, as needed, pertinent sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual
    17. maintain documentation covering the office in the Google Drive 
    18. submit/solicit twice per year an article/report for publication to the membership 
    19. support transition to newly elected board member 
  • Vice President for Speech-Language Pathology

    The Vice President for Speech-Language Pathology shall provide leadership in the clinical areas of speech-language pathology, and maintain regular and consistent communication with the Vice President for Audiology and the Vice President of Continuing Education and relevant committees. 

    The duties of the Vice President for Speech-Language Pathology shall include: 

    1. oversee and facilitate the SHAV Groups related to the field of speech-language pathology
    2. represent the issues specific to the profession of speech-language pathology, especially in regulatory and legislative concerns
    3. solicit and develop SLP webinars and educational opportunities at least once per year
    4. serve on the Conference Committee representing speech-language pathology
    5. work in conjunction with the Conference Committee Chair and Vice President for Audiology to identify potential speakers and make contacts to determine availability; communicate with Conference Committee Chair about identified and available speakers, so that contract negotiations can begin expeditiously
    6. organize and facilitate SLP annual town hall meetings
    7. collaborate with Vice President for Audiology and SHAV Student Representative to coordinate community screenings, as requested 
    8. communicate on a regular basis with any SHAV Committee Chairs to plan activities, support advocacy efforts, and to obtain reports on status of activities 
    9. work with the Vice President for Public Relations and Communication to publicize events and share information with the membership
    10. collaborate with Vice President of Membership Services to create and conduct annual membership survey to identify needs 
    11. develop an officer budget, including any needs from committees when requested 
    12. submit quarterly board report prior to the scheduled Board meeting and update the shared Strategic Plan tracking document
    13. annually review and update, as needed, pertinent sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual 
    14. maintain documentation covering the office in the Google Drive 
    15. submit/solicit twice per year an article/report for publication to the membership 
    16. support transition to newly elected board member 
  • Vice President for Public Relations and Communication

    The Vice President for Public Relations and Communication shall lead the Association in the areas of marketing/public relations and communication. 

    The duties of the Vice President for Public Relations and Communication shall include: 

    1. work with the Communication Committee to manage the communications of the Association
    2. monitor and update the SHAV website monthly or more frequently if needed 
    3. prepare and post weekly to SHAV social media accounts
    4. act as the newsletter editor
    5. collaborate with management company in creation of promotional materials for the membership 
    6. work with the Vice President for Membership to promote membership 
    7. work with the Vice President for Governmental and Professional Affairs to publicize the needs for legislative action
    8. work with the Conference Committee to plan for the Annual Conference (e.g. advertising, working with local media, and other duties related to marketing the program)
    9. work with other board members to communicate with membership about events, opportunities, and other timely information
    10. work collaboratively with the Student Representative on weekly social media posts and campaigns
    11. communicate on a regular basis with any SHAV Committee Chairs to plan activities and to obtain reports on status of activities
    12. develop an officer budget, including any needs from committees when requested 
    13. submit quarterly board report prior to the scheduled Board meeting and update the shared Strategic Plan tracking document
    14. annually review and update, as needed, pertinent sections of the Policy and Procedure Manual 
    15. maintain documentation covering the office within the Google drive
    16. submit/solicit twice per year an article/report for publication to the membership
    17. support transition to newly elected board member 

Nomination Form:

The answers to the following questions will be sent to the membership with their voting ballot. Your membership in SHAV will be confirmed and your nomination approved by the Nomination Committee prior to your name being placed on the ballot. If you have any questions, please reach out to the executive office.

Board Nomination Form

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